Thursday, 7 August 2014

Frontrunner Research, Evaluation of Audience Engagement.

Weds 6/8/2014.  Meeting with Dr. Sophy Smith. 
This research is to highlight and Evaluate the role of Audience participation and engagement at  exhibitions housed in the gallery space of the Phoenix Arts Centre.
Our first meeting was to discuss, with Dr. Sophy Smith, the processes, direction and outcomes for the project and gain an overview into previous research carried out last year.
The focus of the research is to assist the Phoenix and highlight the experiences of people entering, viewing and participating in the digital art exhibitions and produce a paper detailing our findings.
'Video cued recall', questionnaires and verbal feedback will be used to provide insights into viewers thoughts and feelings towards the exhibited works.

Fri 8/8/2014.   Introduction meeting.
Met with other front runners and the frontrunner team to discuss the projects we'll be working on and get an insight into what's expected and how to get paid etc, Essential info!

Thurs 14/8/2014.  Team Meeting.
Met with Dr Sophy Smith and Professor Ernest Edmonds to discuss the reasons behind the project and outline the artists who might participate in the research. Also had the chance to watch the previous research footage which had been filmed in the gallery space at the Phoenix centre. The footage was accompanied by written transcripts and statements collected from visitors and participants and was a good indication of what we'll be aiming for.

Mon 22/9/2014 Meeting with the artist.
Today was a chance to meet and discuss the project with the artist Esther Rolinson.
Esther is a well established visual artist working in public spaces to create site specific installations in various mediums. Her work engages the viewers experiences of built and natural environments.
Her installation piece for the forthcoming October exhibition is a very interesting combination of sculpture, technology and light and the visitors will be able to walk amongst the piece when its installed in the Phoenix Centre. The main point of todays meeting was to establish the questions she'd like to ask visitors to the space and to look at the proposed installation and her very in-depth creative process she has used to reach the finished piece.

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