Saturday, 16 November 2013

'3rd Field 28 Paces' of my 3 fields journey Project...

I have decided to concentrate my Journey project on 3 fields situated 1/2 mile from my house.
'3rd Field 28 paces' was an idea that presented itself on one of my walks as part of my Journey project.
The title relates to the distance of the journey I made before creating this piece.
The 3rd field I came to had a small wooded area full of small trees and one large old oak. Under a hedge, buried by leaves, wood and other wild growth was a sheet of old, muck stained plastic of some sort measuring 9ft X 3ft. This was exactly 28 paces from the front of the entrance into the woods. I have no idea what it was or how it ever got there but it was full of moss, texture and age.
I wanted to use the found canvas and the wooded area in a piece of work and decided to paint a copy of the body of the large oak onto the panel, then return it to the area where, in disguise, it could become a part of its home again.
Would placing it in the tree actually make it part of the tree? Maybe not but the two pieces, one man made and one natural, could interact together to form a new landscape and a new situation.
The plastic taking on the appearance of something wild maybe gives it a whole new life amongst the natural growth of the woods but with an immortal lifespan; Everything around it will grow and die but the plastic, if unmoved by human hands, will remain there forever.

I carried on with the idea of returning things to the woods and started taking lumps of wood from the building site in kibworth and transporting them back to their natural environment. 
The blocks were tied up in the branches of the tree with natural string amongst a nest of criss crossed small branches and leaves. From a distance nobody would see them but they will always be there.

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