Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Dispersion and accumulation...

As part of my 3 years I'm going to look at a project revolving around the print workshop theme of accumulation and dispersion.
I started to concentrate on the idea that I could be in control of the process but not in control of the outcome.
This idea led me to producing some prints by dropping paint soaked screwed up newspapers down a flight of stairs (controlling the process) and when they impact the paper the paint disperses across the surface (no control).
The prints worked well and I was pleased with the outcome but really wanted to go further with the idea, but how far can dispersion go? Global maybe?
I'm going to carry out an experiment in a way that I can accumulate the work of other artists and disperse it around the world.
I have produced a sketch that I'm going to post to an artist in Australia (I hadn't heard of her before today) and she can keep it as a gift. She then has to post a piece of HER work and post it to someone she hasn't heard of somewhere else in the world. Thus creating a chain reaction of travelling art. 
I intend to build some sort of internet based platform where I can upload posted artworks and stories from senders and receivers, eventually building a map of world art. 
The whole idea is a large scale experiment in accumulation, dispersion and controlling a process but losing control of the outcome. 
The sketch is of a guy from a festival who was actually deaf and couldn't speak and I tried to capture the way he watched and digested everything going on around him. 

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