In my studio time I've been working on new styles and ways to paint, experimenting with papers, paints textures etc.
This piece is an abstract cityscape painted in watercolour and charcoal. It's a project I'm enjoying and want to produce a series. It filled my studio wall and is 6ftx3ft on fine art paper. The idea is to highlight certain areas in the image but not produce an exact interpretation.
watercolour, pen and ink. The idea was from a newspaper clip about a girl who would only eat toast?
watercolour, pencil and ink. This is from a series of images I first made as photographs which are faceless portraits.
watercolour and pen. 'weapons of mass destruction', The things that are going to kill us in the end but we love them anyway.
These paintings are all about the time spent in prison yards in America and how the prisoners become a solid mass as opposed to single figures. Gangs seem to rule these places and they wear certain colours to highlight which gang they belong to. I tried to capture this by using the one colour for the figures.
These next paintings are all about certain marks on the paper working together. Each line, mark and colour has to be thought through and positioned just right to get the look I'm after.
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